From Rapid Action:
The quick action is a button that you will always find available in the top bar of the platform. To do so, just click on this option and then on unplanned task.

Clicking on it will enable a new window, where you must complete all the information corresponding to the unplanned task that can be sent to pending task (to be scheduled later) or generated as a new work order.
To do this, you must establish 4 steps before managing the task:
Step 1 (Assets): Information associated with the asset and its status.
Step 2 (Task): Information associated with the unplanned task.
Step 3 (SubTasks): List with the sub-tasks or check-list (step-by-step) that must be fulfilled to successfully complete the task.
Step 4 (Resources): Resources to be used in the execution and fulfillment of the task.
Step 1:

In this step, the following information must be completed:
Asset: Asset associated with the unplanned task.
Incident Date: Date on which the incident occurred.
Requested by: Person reporting the unplanned task (by default the owner of the account with which the task is being created).
Asset failure: Option where you can indicate if the unplanned task involves asset failure.
Failure type: Catalog with the types of failures associated to the assets.
Failure cause: Catalog with the causes that can lead to asset failures.
Fault detection method: Catalog with the detection methods by which a fault can be identified.
Fault severity: Listing with the fault hierarchy options according to its severity.
Type of damage caused: List with predetermined options to identify the type of damage caused by the asset failure.
Interruption time to other assets: Time in which the failure directly affects other assets.
Asset out of service: State in which the equipment is stopped due to a functional failure. This field is of utmost importance, since when it is activated, the date and time since the equipment was stopped must be entered (this time is the one used for one of the availability indicators in the Business Intelligence module).
Step 2:

In this step, the following information must be completed:
Task Description: Short detail where the task in question is specified.
Note: Free field where some detail of the task can be added.
Task Type: Catalog with all the types of tasks registered in the system.
Classification 1 and 2: Corresponds to free fields left by the platform to complete and give an additional classification to the task.
Priority: List where the task is classified according to its priority.
Estimated Duration: Theoretical time it would take to complete the task (the actual time is recorded directly in the TO).
Request Number: Identification correlative of the request that generates the unplanned task.
This job has already been done: Option that allows to identify in the system if the task has already been executed or not.
Options: Available options to manage the unplanned task through a TO (the TO responsible must be added) or Pending Task (the date on which the task will be scheduled must be added).
Step 3:
In this step, the associated subtasks must be added, to do so, click on the add symbol at the bottom right of the platform and then add the subtasks as appropriate.

There are 8 types of subtasks:
Text: Corresponds to subtasks that will be completed in a text type field.
Yes/No: Corresponds to subtasks that will have a predefined answer with the options of Yes, No and N/A.
Number: Corresponds to subtasks that will be completed with numeric characters.
Verifications: Corresponds to subtasks that will have a predefined response with the options of Passed, Alert, Failure.
A meter reading: The meter reading, from the unplanned work orders, allows a meter to be added for the technician or personnel present on site to take a spot measurement. This can include readings of amperage, voltage, kilometers, or other magnitudes depending on the need and the specific intervention required at that moment.
GPS : Corresponds to the subtasks in which the geolocation of the device used at the time of completing the subtask will be taken in order to establish the time, date and geolocation instantly.
Dropdown: Corresponds to subtasks where several options are shown and only one of them can be selected.
Date and time: The date and time option corresponds to the technician's ability to record chronological information accurately. It can be used to indicate the date of the last oil change, the last preventive maintenance date, or any other relevant time event in the context of the intervention.

Step 4:
In this last step you can add the resources associated to the unplanned task, where you can add: Inventories, Human Resources, Services.

Inventory: Corresponds to the resources (Tools, Spare Parts and Supplies) coming from a warehouse and that are necessary in the execution of the task.
Inhouse personnel: Corresponds to the man-hours to be accounted for in the TO.
Services: Corresponds to the costs associated with external services performed by third parties registered in the platform (third party module).
After choosing the type of resource, it is necessary to complete the remaining information, as shown in the image.

In the above example, when selecting the inventory option, another option called "Tool/Spare Parts and Supplies" is enabled. This is because, from the inventory recorded in Fracttal One, the specific selection of the required items will be made.

Finally, the quantity of items to order.

Then click on finish to generate the work order or the pending task associated with the unplanned task.
From the TOs module:
To add an Unplanned Task from the TOs module, you can enter any of the views (Kanban, Timeline and List) that you will find in that module and click on the add option that you will find available all the time at the bottom right of the window.

Kanban View

View pending tasks:

After clicking, you must complete all the necessary steps to create the unscheduled task, as explained at the beginning of this article.

Note: In the session on how to generate an unplanned TO "From the Quick Action" you will find a detailed step-by-step to complete each of the fields required for the generation of an Unplanned TO.
From Work Requests:
Once a work request has been generated, the system allows you to manage this request through an unplanned task by clicking on the add symbol

Then clicking on it will open a new window, where all the information corresponding to the unplanned task must be completed before it is generated as a TO.

Note: In the session on how to generate an unplanned TO "From the Quick Action" you will find a detailed step-by-step to complete each of the fields required for the generation of an Unplanned TO.