Within the catalog of assets, Fracttal offers the possibility to create maps that will help you locate your assets within a layout.

How to access the maps module
To use maps in Fracttal, you have to access the main menu > catalogs module > assets > maps:

How to add a map
To add a map, just click on the (+) button at the down right corner.

A new window will open where you can enter the data corresponding to the map you want to add to the system.

The following is the required data:
Description: Name or description of map.
Group 1 and 2: Correspond to empty fields on the platform that can be filled in as needed.
Image: In this field, you attach an image of the map. To add image files, click on the option “Drag File or click to browse.” The system will open a window where you can drag or select the file in question.
When all the necessary fields to register the map have been filled in, click on the “save” option to finish the process of creating the asset.

What are the markers and how to add them?
Markers are used to position and identify assets (which already exist in Fracttal catalogs) within a map. To add a marker within a map, click on the map in question:

A new window will open that shows the map. You can zoom in and out.

To add the marker, click on the “Add Marker” button.

A new window will open where you can fill in the information about the marker that you want to add to the map, positioning the marker in the convenient place within the layout.

Asset: Allows you to choose the asset that you want to place with this marker within the map.
Type: Allows you to categorize the marker by choosing one of 4 types.
Note: Allows you to add a note to the corresponding marker.
Link to another map: Allows you to link the marker to another previously created map.

Once all of the required fields to register the marker are filled in, click on the “save” option to finish the process of creating the marker.

A new window will open on the screen where the cursor will appear as (+) so you can place the marker in its location on the map. One click will set the marker in its place.

Note: In a map with markers, you can easily access equipment profiles.