To perform a Catalog import (whether it is an asset, human resource, or third party):
Enter the corresponding module and click on the “additional options” menu.
Click on the "Import" option.
A sidebar will appear on the right side of the screen, in which you can drag and drop the completed Excel import file or search for the file on your computer by selecting the “Click to Browse” option.
Once the file is uploaded, the title headers of the excel sheet columns must be matched with the field noun in each box [Note, the text in each box corresponds to the descriptive fields within the platform].
Once you have linked all the columns, click on the "import" option for the system to load the import spreadsheet.
When the import is completed, the system will automatically generate an import code that can be used to delete the imported information. (The import code is displayed on the screen and sent to the email address of the user who performed the import).
Note: Like Facilities, bulk imports for Assets, Human Resources and Third-Party modules are carried out in a similar way as described in the steps above.
Import Considerations
Imports are made through Excel import sheets, which should not have formulas, hidden columns, or special characters (this can cause problems when loading the information into the system).
Users must be clear about the fields that they will use in the system to record the information associated with their assets, since these descriptive fields will be used as column headings in the spreadsheets which must later coincide with the Fracttal columns (of the views lists).
In case you do not need to use or complete certain fields (which are used in the platform to import information), it will not be necessary to add them as columns in the import sheet since when importing, these empty fields will simply not appear.
The system does not permit duplicate asset codes.
Imports in the warehouse module only apply to the "stocks" tab.
The imports in the asset, human resources, and third-party modules only apply to the information contained in the "general" tab.