Assets can be imported in a structured and hierarchical way using unique asset codes and linking each of these codes meaning the Parent Code / the "Located in" or "Part of" field.
Here's how a hierarchical asset tree view is structured in the system:
- Energy Services is the parent location for North riding PV Plant
- North Riding PV Plant is the parent location for PV System PV1
- PV System PV1 is the parent asset for Electrical Panel PV1, Inverter PV1 and AC Panel PV1.

It's important to note that the imports for locations and for equipments must be performed separately (as the import sheets are specific to each type of asset). Besides, location imports must be carried out first, as their codes will be needed as parent codes for the equipments imports.
Here's an example of a completed Import Sheet:

During the completion of the import sheet, the following points must be considered when entering the Parent Code and the Equipments Codes fields:
. As the lines of the spreadsheet are completed from top to bottom, the asset information must be completed from general to specific: that is, the parent asset must be completed first, and then the respective children (since the worksheets load into the system from top to bottom, taking into account the codes and their order).
· The Parent Code field (Located in or Part of), must contain the immediate hierarchical parent of the asset to import so that the system recognizes where the mentioned asset will be located on the platform.

Finally, after carrying out the import using the parent code as shown in the import sheet above, the hierarchical structure will be displayed as an asset tree view, as in the first screenshot of this article.