The fields or descriptive headers of the columns in the import sheets may vary depending on the module in which the import is being conducted. However, the fundamental principle remains consistent across all modules within the platform.
Example: Locations Import template
The import template for locations should consist of columns containing the information outlined below:
Name: Indicates the name of the Location to be added.
Address: Specifies the physical address where the Location is situated.
City: Refers to the city where the Location is located.
Zip Code: Corresponds to the area code associated with the Location.
Department/ State/ Region: Represents the department, state, or region where the Location is situated.
Country: Indicates the country where the Location is registered
Code: Refers to the unique code assigned to the Location. This code is essential for locating other assets within the same location and applying analysis filters in the system. If numerical asset codes are unavailable, an alternative is to use the acronym "Act.", followed by "Loc-" and a sequential number (e.g., ACT.LOC-0001).
Barcode: Refers to the barcode or NFC assigned to the Location.
Priority: Indicates the priority level assigned to the Location in the system. Priorities are categorized numerically as follows:
1 = Very High
2 = High
3 = Medium
4 = Low
5 = Very Low
Type: Describes the categorization of the Location in the system according to its type. This field is essential for analysis filters in the system.
Group 1: Allows the user to link an asset to its primary group. This field can be used for search filters.
Group 2: Similar to Group 1, but refers to the asset's secondary grouping. This field can also be used for search filters.
Cost Center: Specifies the cost center associated with the Location.
Notes: Text fields where additional notes related to the Location can be added.
Parent Code (Located in or Part of): Refers to the parent location where the asset is situated in the system. Assets with the same parent code will be grouped together within the asset tree hierarchy. Go to the following article to learn more about this: Import assets hierarchically

Note: If certain fields are not applicable to specific locations, such as the zip code or city, you have the option to leave those fields empty on the platform.