There are three ways to link a stock item to a warehouse in Fracttal (the 3 methods will be explained below):
NOTE: In order to link a stock item to a warehouse, the destination warehouse as well as the item that you want to link to the warehouse, should have been previously created.
Method 1: From the Assets module
1. Firstly, open the “Assets” module found under Main Menu/Catalogs
2. Next, click the “All Assets” dropdown
3. Select “Spare Parts”
4. In the assets spare parts window, select and open the stock item (spare part) that you want to link to a warehouse.
5. A window displaying the details of the stock item (spare part) that you selected will open, in this window access the “Warehouses” tab.
6. The spare part warehouses tab will display all the warehouses that are currently linked to the spare part. Click the “Add” button to link the spare part to a new warehouse.
7. Next, link the warehouse to the spare part by selecting the required warehouse from the list dropdown and complete form.
8. Finally, click the “Accept” button to accept changes. The Spare part is now linked to the warehouse.
Method 2: From the warehouse module (manually)
To add a stock item directly from the warehouse module, do the following:
Open the “Warehouses” module found in the Main Menu
In the “Warehouses” module, select and open the warehouse that you would like to link the stock item (spare part) to.
A window will open showing the details of the selected warehouse, in this window access the “Stock” tab.
Next, to add stock to the warehouse, click the “Add” button
5. A window will open showing all the available stock items (spare parts) that can be added to the warehouse.
6. Finally, add the desired item/items to the warehouse by selecting it from the dropdown list
Repeat Steps 4-5 to add multiple stock items to the warehouse
7. The added stock item is added and will now appear in the warehouse stock items list
Note: Items that are added manually from the warehouse must be configured with an inventory adjustment to adjust their costs and stocks within the warehouse.
Method 3: From the warehouse module (bulk import)
This is the most recommended method of adding/linking stock items to a warehouse as it allows items to be bulk imported via Excel import sheets.
To add stock items to a warehouse using bulk imports, do the following:
1. In the warehouse module, select the “Stock” tab.
2. Open the “More options” menu
3. Select “Import”.
Note: See the Imports section for more information on how to perform bulk imports.