In the platform there are two ways to make a work request, the first is to make it directly from the work request module and the second option is to add it from the quick action button located in the main bar of the platform.
From the work request module:
To add a new work request, you must click on the add symbol located at the bottom right of the platform.
After clicking on add, a new window will open where the requester must complete all the necessary information in the "General" tab in order to detail the work request to be reported in the system.

The information that can be added when reporting a work request is the following:
Created by: Name of the profile of the person raising the request, this name is taken directly from the login account registered in the system of that person.
Creation date: Date on which the request is being reported in the system.
Description: Short description identifying the Work Request.
Do you know the asset: Option that allows the user reporting the request to indicate if he/she knows the name of the asset in question (this option can be set as mandatory in the WO-Settings module).
Asset: Name or identification of the asset associated to the work request in the system.
Comments: Detailed description of the Work Request.
Incident Date: Date on which the incident occurred for which the work request is being raised (this date does not necessarily have to coincide with the date on which the request is reported in the system).
It’s Urgent?: Option where the degree of criticality of the request is established as urgent.
Image: Image or photograph illustrating the reported work request.
Additionally, the system allows you to add advanced information to the work request where you can detail the following:
Reference: Name or reference code that can be added to the request.
Location: Option that allows to establish the geolocation of the site where the request was raised (this information is taken from the GPS system of the device used to raise the request).
Group: Catalog where you can create groups of colors that can be used to be assigned to the requests (the configuration of the name and colors of these groups is done from the Settings-Catalogs module).
Group 1 and 2: Corresponds to free fields left by the platform to be completed as required. (The configuration is done from the Settings-Catalogs module).
Keywords: Catalog where you can establish identification keywords when creating a work request. (The configuration is done from the Settings-Catalogs module).
Note: It is possible to set which fields are mandatory when opening an request in Fracttal One. To do this, go to the settings menu, in the submenu 'modules - work requests' and make the corresponding settings. For more information.
Finally, after completing the necessary information, the application will be generated, which must then be processed as appropriate.
From the quick action button
The quick action is a button that you will always find available in the main bar of the platform. To do so, just click on this option and then click on work request.

After clicking, a new window will open where you must perform the same procedure as above to complete and generate the work request.