What is a meter?
A meter is an instrument or device that quantifies and records the value of a physical or chemical magnitude, such as the volume of a liquid or gas, the amount of electricity consumed, pressure, temperature, among others. These devices are essential for monitoring, controlling, and managing various processes in different industries.
In this module, you will have complete traceability of all meter readings associated with assets, along with the recording and control of the activation of linked tasks.
How to enter the meter module?
To access this module, you must first click on the menu button, which you’ll find in the upper left corner of the platform’s main bar, and display the Monitoring menu; the system will show you the various submodules.
When you display the menu, you’ll find the following submodules:
Fracttal Sense
Fracttal On Board
Then, when you just click on “Meters”, the system Will finally show you the meters that have been created in the system.