The bulk download functionality for Work Orders allows you to export multiple documents in PDF format simultaneously. This feature is designed to save time and effort, making it easier to generate organized reports that are ready to be shared with teams, clients, or for audits. By optimizing this process, work order management is improved, and more informed and strategic decision-making is facilitated.
How to download Work Orders in bulk?
To start the process, first go to the Tasks module > Work Orders > Task List view.
Select the records you want to download.
Note: Remember that the records correspond to tasks associated with work orders, so the number of documents generated may be less than the total number of records selected.
- Click on the options menu > "Download Work Orders." Once the process begins, a notification will appear indicating that document generation has started.
Note: Download time may vary depending on the number of selected records.
- Once the process is complete, you will receive an email at the address associated with your user account. This email will include a link with a "Download File" button, allowing you to obtain a compressed file containing all the selected work orders in PDF format.
Important Considerations
- This functionality is only available in the Work Orders list view, which shows all tasks associated with the work orders.
- Selecting multiple records does not imply that the same number of work orders will be generated. A single work order may contain multiple tasks grouped into a single document.
- This functionality is only available for companies with the “Batch Download of Work Orders” add-on enabled.
- Only one bulk download can be processed at a time. If you attempt to start another process while one is in progress, a message will appear informing you that a process is already queued. To start a new process, you must first receive the email corresponding to the ongoing batch download.
- For greater efficiency in the download and email delivery of records, it is recommended to select a maximum of 500 records per download