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How to complete subtasks within an WO?
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Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

Subtasks model the step-by-step or maintenance procedure to be executed by technicians when performing a TO. These subtasks are created when creating a task, as explained in step 2 of the following article: how-to-add-a-task-plan

Now, once that task is inside a TO, each subtask should be completed so that the task itself can be declared 'executed'. We will see in this article how to complete the different types of subtasks.

GPS type subtask:

The GPS type subtask is displayed within the TO as a box with a geolocation indicator on the right. To complete this type of task just click on this indicator.

Note: requires that GPS (location) permission be granted to Fracttal One in order for the record to be taken:


When clicked, the system automatically records the place and date when the subtask was deleted:

Subtask type Text:

The text type subtask is shown inside the TO as a box to be filled in by the technician with the information requested in the description, accepting alphanumeric characters.

To complete this type of subtask it is necessary to add a text in the corresponding box:

Subtask type Number:

The number type subtask is shown inside the TO as a box to be filled in by the technician with the numerical information requested in the description, accepting only decimal numbers.

To complete this type of subtask it is necessary to add the quantity requested in the corresponding box:

Subtask type Verification and type Yes/No:

This type of subtasks are shown in the TO as three possible options that the technician must answer according to the information requested in the description, accepting only one option.

To complete this type of subtask, it is necessary to click on the corresponding option:

Subtask type Dropdown:

The dropdown subtask is displayed within the WO as a box with a list indicated by the arrow to the right of the box, which displays a list of possible response options to the information requested in the description:

To complete this type of subtasks it is necessary to choose the corresponding option from the list shown:

Subtask type Date and Time:

The Date and Time type subtask is displayed within the WO as a box to be filled in by the technician with a date and time as requested in the description.

To complete this type of subtask it is necessary to click on the calendar indicator button to the right of the box:

When clicked, a calendar is displayed to indicate the day, month and year of the requested date:

When the date is chosen, a clock is immediately displayed to enter the hour and minutes of the requested date:

This records the date and time reported by the technician:

Subtask with mandatory attachment:

This type of subtask requires an attachment to be attached in order to be removed. It is distinguished from the other subtasks by the attachment indicator in the lower right corner of the subtask:

To attach a file, click on the 'attachment' option to display the following menu, and click on (+) to attach the corresponding information:

Clicking on (=) displays the menu of possible attachment types: link, note or file, choose the appropriate type and create the attachment. The attachment is then created and linked to the subtask, then return to the subtask by clicking on the arrow at the top left:

Finally, when returning to the subtask, the subtask indicates whether a piece of information was attached and the number of attachments uploaded to the subtask:

Mandatory vs. non-mandatory subtasks:

Mandatory subtasks are required to block the progress to 100% of the TO execution if they have not been dropped. These mandatory subtasks (1) are distinguished from non-mandatory subtasks (2) because they are written in red color, in addition to having an asterisk at the end of the subtask description:


At the end of all subtasks, click on the 'save' icon located in the upper right corner:

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