Has your Token to reset your password expired?
If you let more than 72 hours pass after receiving the e-mail to set your password for the first time, you will see this message:
To reset your password, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Go to the Fracttal login page:
STEP 2: Enter your email and click the "Next" button
STEP 3: Select the Company Account you want to access to (if you are only registered to one account, skip this step)
STEP 4: Click "Forgot password"
You will see a message on the bottom of the page: "An e-mail has been sent to your email address where you will find further instructions to reset your password"
STEP 5: If you don't receive an e-mail, check your bulk or SPAM folder for an email from <[email protected]> with instructions. Click "Change Password"
Note: If your Token expires again, you will need to go back to STEP 1.
STEP 6: Finally set your new password
Your password has been successfully changed!